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Forum Posts

DMA Memory-to-Peripheral Clock

Posted on May 09, 2015 at 20:26Hi, I'm trying to set DMA2 to do a Memory-to-Peripheral trasfer from memory to GPIOB. But now, I'm stuck with a problem since I want to configure the DMA transfer speed to 1/8 of the Bus clock(168Mhz). Is there any way...

pedro by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32F030 UART problem

Posted on September 28, 2017 at 17:58Hi all,I'm trying to send an HTTP message through Ethernet interface using a WIFI external device. For this, I use HAL_UART functions as shown:HAL_UART_Transmit(huart, messageTX,lengthOfmessage, timeoutTX);UART h...

STM32f030 RTC interface

Posted on October 02, 2017 at 19:32Hi all,I'm trying to work with STM32f030 RTC internal to save UTC calendar.I have included in my FW application the followings functions:- MX_RTC_Init();- Enable RTC interface in 'stm32f00x_hal_conf.c'- Defined RTC...

[OTG + documentation] global NAK clear

Posted on August 28, 2017 at 16:44More.The description of global NAKclearing for both IN and OUT is a mess reoccurring in several places - in the description of four set/clear bits in DCTL, in the narrative in several subchapters of Operational mode...

Configure CAN to receive in both FIFOs

Posted on June 09, 2016 at 10:58 Hello there, I am using STM32F4. I am trying to configure can peripheral the way that when messages are received, they pass through 2 filters. If filter 0 matches they go to FIFO0, if filter 1 matches they sh...

SD card support for X-NUCLEO-IDW04A1 (SPWF04SA) ?

Posted on October 02, 2017 at 06:57Looking for SD card software support for X-NUCLEO-IDW04A1. The board has an SD Card  socket on a secondary SPI interface from the SPWF04SA module, but I cannot locate any software to support reading or writing to t...

IDW04A1 missing cs on CN5

Posted on October 01, 2017 at 17:44I wish to connect an IDW04a1 Board to the Discovery kit for IOT node (B-L475E-IOT01A) to replace the Inventek WiFi module with a SPWF04SA WiFi module. It appears that the NSS/nCS/WAKEUP* signal is not routed correc...

STPM3x Evaluation Software

Posted on October 02, 2017 at 12:00Hi, I'm learning about the configuration board STPM34. I used  STPM3x Evaluation Software butWhen I shut down board. Configuration lost...!!!!Can I save config parameter in EEPROM??I tune board with OMICON and set ...

STM32F4 DMA busrt mode: how does it work?

Posted on October 02, 2017 at 10:10I'm using DMA controller to perform ADC to memory data transfer. I'm using direct mode (no FIFO), circular mode with double buffering and everything works fine. I'm studying the datasheet of the STM32F429ZI but I c...