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Forum Posts

UART receive from ST-Link VCP not working

Posted on March 23, 2017 at 21:32Hi! I'm trying to send some data (or string or anything) from the computer to a Nucleo-64 board, with no luck at all. I can easily retarget the printf and is working perfectly, but it is receiving nothing from the co...


Posted on March 01, 2017 at 15:43Hey folks,I have a that I will be testing out soon. However, the package didn't come with a wall adapter. The manual says to use a 5V/1A wall adapter. The ba...

Stm32L476 Fatfs using DMA mode

Posted on July 25, 2017 at 16:28Stm32L476 Fatfs using DMA mode♯/?tags=stm32l476♯/?tags=sdmmc%20dma%20stm32l4♯/?tags=dma♯/?tags=sd...

STM32 F103xx HAL UART echo

Posted on August 29, 2017 at 18:15 I am trying to implement a simple echo program using the HAL drivers. Here is my code #include 'stm32f1xx.h' #include 'stm32f1xx_hal.h' #include 'stm32f1xx_hal_conf.h' void Error_Handler(void); void SystemClo...

Tom Eaton by Associate II
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VDDA and PA2 ADC measurements

Posted on August 30, 2017 at 15:48Hello,I work on a STM32L151CCU6 and I need your help.I try to measure VDDA voltage in order to calculate a voltage divider on PA2 (single mode). My two ADC configuration functions are :void MX_ADC_Init(void){  GPIO_...

STM32F1xx I2C Receive with HAL

Posted on September 04, 2017 at 17:54 I am trying to interface with an ADS1015 using an STM32F I am having problems reading two bytes from the ADS1 The first byte is received perfectly, but the second byte is exactly the same as the first byte wh...