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Resolved! STM32H7 Bug in HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive ?

Posted on September 29, 2017 at 15:22Is there a bug in the HAL driver lib FW 1.1.0 ?Because SPI4 is not supported.In the routine HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive there is a question'if (IS_SPI_HIGHEND_INSTANCE(hspi->Instance)) ...'the else branch is empty/no...

STM32CubeProgrammer EEPROM Write

Posted on January 11, 2018 at 09:11Hi, I have a micro STM32F011F4 and I try to write in EEPROM via SWD but cube programmer shows an error message (also from CLI) how can I write in EEPROM? (STM32 STlink utility works well) Thank youMarco

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cubemx otg drd support

Posted on January 11, 2018 at 11:17Hello,i want to use an USB OTG with an automatic host device detection. CubeMX (L4) doesn't support it and there is only one example for an evaluation board with a display to select the mode (host or device).Is an ...

Problem with firmware upgrade

Posted on January 11, 2018 at 06:10I am using an stm32f3 discovery board. I have been having various problems trying to connect to the board consistently. During an attempt to solve this, I accidentally ran the firmware upgrade (stsw-stlink 007). No...


Posted on January 10, 2018 at 10:31Hi, I am just starting a project in STM32.Now we have a confusion on which IDE to select SW4STM32 or Atollic TrueSTUDIO. Recently ST acquires Atollic. Now eventually one of them become obsolete soon.Please share yo...

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STM32F334R8 Internal Temperature and USART

Posted on January 02, 2018 at 22:59Hi there,Setup:STM32F334R8 on a NUCLEO-F334R8 on a custom PCB with power supply, CAN tranceiver, I2C slaves and RS232 Tranceiver.uVision5 Toolchain and STM32CubeMXProblem: I want to read out the internal temperatur...

stm32f7 uart tx/rx working on 1.8v problem

Posted on January 10, 2018 at 21:29Hey. We have the following problem: There are 2 boards we use in our design. One includes stm32f7 chip and the second one is stm32l4. Both chips work with 1.8 V. Same voltage we designed for uart rx and tx communic...

Hello, i have Discovery kit LoRa, i will implement my algorithm in this cards for tests, and i want to know if i can make changes in the part of the header of the message lora? if it's possible to do this, where can i do it ? Thanks Norhane BENKAHLA

Posted on January 10, 2018 at 14:44Hello, i have Discovery kit LoRa, i will implement my algorithm in this cards for tests, and i want to know if i can make changes in the part of the header of the message lora? if it's possible to do this, where ca...

Discovery kit STM32 LoRa Data

Posted on January 10, 2018 at 14:46Hello,I have Discovery kit LoRa, i will implement my algorithm in this cards for tests, and i want to know if i can make changes in the part of the header of the message lora? if it's possible to do this, where can...