2017-03-29 3:16 AM
Which is the state of pins I/O during standby mode ?
I not found any document about.
Thank you
2017-03-29 3:34 AM
RM0090 rev.13, 5.3.6 Standby mode
I/O states in Standby modeIn Standby mode, all I/O pins are high impedance except for:• Reset pad (still available)• RTC_AF1 pin (PC13) if configured for tamper, time stamp, RTC Alarm out, or RTCclock calibration out• WKUP pin (PA0), if enabledJW
2017-03-29 6:01 AM
Thank you !!!
2018-01-22 6:46 AM
all I/O pins are high impedance
How high is high ? Can you put a number to quantify the impedance ?
2018-01-22 7:12 AM
2018-01-22 7:25 AM
scores a straight 2 on the RTFM-O-Meter !2018-01-22 8:12 AM
Thanks !
I was looking for 'impedance', 'Ohm', 'Ω' and similar keywords, not 'current'.
So, we're talking about MΩ impedance, which isn't particularly high. I have voltage dividers in the same order, having one connected to such IOs will be impact the circuit.
2018-01-22 8:32 AM
IMO this is result of having the latchup protection circuitry.
Mind, this is generally a digital, not analog, IC.