2018-01-22 5:00 AM
Good evening,
I can't import BSP library in IAR Workbench. I'm using stm32f303vc board and I'm followed this guide but i have always the same problem(
). I want to begin with CubeMx and after import BSP library to use the sensor installed on the board. Can you help me? Have you got another guide or any suggestion? The problem is: Error[Li005]: no definition for etc.Thank you.
2018-01-22 6:13 AM
This seems to duplicate the theme of an earlier thread you posted
You're going to need to find the code providing the functions in question and add them to your project.
Review a working project including a BSP, ie a DISCO, NUCLEO or EVAL board under the HAL example code trees
Use 'Find in Files' from your IDE, things like 'grep' or a file manager of your choice.