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Forum Posts

Power Profiling Tool for STM32 Applications

Posted on August 02, 2016 at 06:52In the STM32CubeMX there is Power Consumption Calculator Tool.But this is for new code to be developed.Is there any other tool or this tool available for the already developed Application?There is tool for TI's MSPs...

darla14 by Senior
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hi,i am using 32-bit compiler in my ubuntu14.04 lts.i got my compiled with arm-none-eabi.but when i migrate it to 64-bit linux machine, code size increased and there were errors insuffient .data can i resolve this ? , hi,i am using 32-bit comp

Posted on January 09, 2018 at 16:12i am using 32-bit linux(local machine).my source code compiled and bin file generated properly.but when i compiled the same sources on 64-bit machine(server),.data section is excedded the limit of stm32 controller....

Power LoRa disco board external

Posted on July 05, 2017 at 14:32 Have been playing with the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 and it all works fine. Now we would like to hook up directly to the Murata ABZ (via the break out / CN2 and CN3). As a start I have externally powered the ABZ. I expected ...

Resolved! STM32F105 flash erase problem

Posted on June 16, 2017 at 16:56Hello!Got a weird problem with STM32F105R8T6 chipWhile the same code, compiled and running on  STM32F103R8T6, works okProgram size is 17 kB as can be seen from map file:AHBPrescTable 0x0800473a Data 16 system_stm32f1x...

yury by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L476G-Disco LSE Startup Problem

Posted on January 05, 2018 at 14:44Hi everyone,I want to use RTC module and LSE crystal which is default on board 32768KHz. I generate the code via STM32Cube because I couldn't find any example of RTC that used via LSE. After generated, the code doe...