Posted on February 06, 2018 at 06:15HELLO, I use the F446zet6 bxCAN to receive the message from pCAN , and found bxCAN no ACK in receive ending.Could you please let me know How to resolve this problem?
Posted on February 06, 2018 at 06:15HELLO, I use the F446zet6 bxCAN to receive the message from pCAN , and found bxCAN no ACK in receive ending.Could you please let me know How to resolve this problem?
Posted on January 18, 2018 at 09:45Good morning,I got an issue with the ROP-Level (read out protection) and therefore the MC is locked for further flash – actions. The power supply has been interrupted during an flash – action. I assume that thi...
Posted on January 30, 2018 at 15:52 I am trying to understand how to configure a timer in one pulse mode, using the STM32F100VLDISCOVERY board. I have used STM32CUBEMX to configure the blue button (PA0) as TIM2_CH1 ('Channel 1 input capture direct ...
Posted on December 16, 2016 at 11:08Hello,I have problems with a STM32F746 and DCache. Without DCache my software runs perfectly. If I enable the DCache (first invalidate it and the Enable), then I can't start the board.I have check my source code, ...
Posted on February 06, 2018 at 10:10Hi.I am doing a basic USB device using STM32F407 and the usb Rx and Tx Fifo's look strange. For example data in at address 0x50001000: 00CC0080 01000680 00400000 00C80000. Then is followed by the following ataddre...
Posted on February 05, 2018 at 23:56Hello,I use a STM32F407 on a custom board. The application is in Motor Control. I have to read the next channels:ADC1: Channel 0 and 2ADC2: Channel 6 and 14ADC3: Channel 10 and Channel 11 and Channel 12 and Channe...
Posted on February 02, 2018 at 18:32Hello, I run the CAN loopback example project by NUCLEO-F446ZE. And find a problem, may I to set the r1 and r0 ? I read the RM0390, no message about it. Could you please let me know How to set the r1 & r0 bits?
Posted on February 05, 2018 at 10:48Hi! How to update firmware stm32f103 via SWD interface from ESP8266? I need program manual, application/technical note, or description of SWD interface. Maybe someone did this? #esp8266 #swd #stm32f103 #update-fi...
Posted on February 06, 2018 at 03:38Hello.I am in trouble with connecting virtual comport in STM32 to PC.I think that the virtual comport is properly working in the MCU, and it is well communicated with TeraTerm (the serial port communication applic...
Posted on February 05, 2018 at 22:08Hi, after some problems with the interface between Simulink and CubeMX, I've managed to get the TIM1 of the STM32F767ZIT working at a desired frequency and duty cycle using the next blocks:My question is, is there...