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Forum Posts

Resolved! FT812, Correct way to manually configure SPI?

Hi guys, I'm fairly a newbie to stm32 so please forgive me if I make some mistakes, I'm trying to configure a driver code for a SPI FT812 NHD display on STM32G474VETx chipset, so far I've been able find a driver code and ported it over onto STM32, ho...

Resolved! Short read from multiple ADCs under DMA

Using a stm32f303RE Nucleo board which has 4 (independent ?) ADC blocks.I'm trying to read a single channel from each of the 4 ADC under DMA simultaneously triggered from the same timer update event but I'm only getting about 30-40% of the data I'm a...

Resolved! STM32G491RE MCU getting struck

Hi,I am working on stm32g491re custom board.I am using STM32cubeide  and segger jlink debugger with serial wire debug.After flashing the firmware program getting struct at intializationlike HAL_GPIO_INIT()and HAL_TIMER_init()if I try to suspend the r...

Resolved! STM32 OpAmp Differential Strain Gauge Bridge Input

Does anyone know if the PGA OpAmp in the STM32 has the ability to interface with a differential input - like a Strain Gauge Wheatstone bridge?  I'm not convinced its going to work because my signal is going to swing +/-50mV, and the OpAmp does no loo...

STM32H725 temperature sensors

Hello, I am trying to measure Junction temperature of the STM32H725IG device.ADC3 is configured as an errata say to have only temperature channel 17 and continuous measurement. Temperature I see seems to be between 60 and 80 degree Celsius.I tried al...

Resolved! PWM on STM32U599

Dear All,I am attempting to migrate a project from a STM32F74NGH MCU to a STM32U599NJH MCU.In the F7 MCU I am applying the PWM on CH1 of TIM3 that corresponds to pin PB4.On the new setup I need to apply the PWM to pin PC5, which corresponds to TIM1, ...

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Resolved! Modification/Clarification of Chirp Signal Code

Hello, first of all, I hope im at the right section for my question. If not I'm sorry.I'm relativ new in working with Nucleo Boards and currently working on a Project where i want to generate a chirp signal/sinus sweep from -20kHz up to 20kHz.I made ...

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