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Forum Posts

End of program...

Posted on May 12, 2018 at 00:03Dear Community,If I compile a project for e.g. STM32F051 which contains following lineint END_ofProg             __attribute__((at(0x08007C00)))    = 1; supposed to show up at the end of program, then I notice that Kei...

M G_2 by Associate III
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Explanation for NVIC_EnableIRQ(irq_no)

Posted on May 17, 2018 at 20:19Hello EE verse,Can anyone explain the below implementation ?I did see the reference to this function in the cortex_m4 generic reference manual but couldn't understand how the register is mapped.Also no sure why in NVIC...

In application USB DFU Solution

Posted on May 17, 2018 at 18:46I'm trying to implement a DFU solution for an STM32F411 device and am having a tough time figuring out what the best solution is. Unfortunately the STM32 is the PMIC for the host that needs to do the DFU so bootloader ...

Konami by Senior II
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Posted on May 07, 2018 at 14:08With STM32F765 and MDK-ARM compiler ( O3 and compile for SPEED I was able to achieve 108Mhz on output pin, performing while loop ( just main() and all interrupt disabled ) .Now with STM32H743 with same compiler and sam...

I2C slave with no clock stretch

Posted on October 23, 2017 at 12:33Hello,I've tried the I2C_TwoBoard_RestartComIT example in the STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.9.0. It works fine.If I disable the clock stretching feature, the slave can still receive messages, but it doesn't transmit back. It ...

TIMPRE HCLK multiplier in F413

Posted on May 17, 2018 at 11:08In RM0430 rev 7 section 6.2 it is stated that when TIMPRE is set and APB prescaler is 1 or 2 then the timer clock is HCLK.And when APB prescaler is > 2 then the timer clocks are HCLK * 4.This is different to the F446 w...