2018-05-31 2:00 AM
2018-05-31 2:11 AM
,It is very easy to display text with emWin
,I recommend you torefer to the emwin User and reference guide (UM03001),Displaying Text
section (STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.0\Middlewares\ST\STemWin\Documentation)A set of example are already present in the STM32F4 cube firmware , it may help you to start:
2018-05-31 2:30 AM
Thank you for your help
Shall I include library of ST emWIN ? How to put its library in my project please ??
2018-05-31 2:35 AM
in CubMX I did not find how t oconfigure ST emWin .. I have the initialization of LTDC done that is it .is it fine from cubMX or there is something else to add please ??
And ocncerning the files. I downloaded a zip of ST emWin but how to add it in the project as library please ?
2018-05-31 2:46 AM
I am using CUBMX V9.0.0 and there is not a support for ST emWin the the configuration
2018-05-31 2:53 AM
how to update it please ?? I am debutant here
Thank you in advance
2018-05-31 4:33 AM
,Please try to have a look to the suggested user manuals it guides you step by step.
I recommend you to start with CUBEMX!
2018-05-31 4:44 AM
,Are you using the last version of CUBEMX(4.1)?
Since the STM32CubeMX V4.0 version we addsupport for STemWin v5.40 graphics middleware.
2018-05-31 4:48 AM
,so try to update the last version
2018-06-06 1:34 AM
Hello Nesrine M
I tried to install directly from ST website via the link you gave me but it is version 4.26.0 which saying in CUBEMX that this version is not compatible avec the actual one ( 4.25.0)
I tried to install the firmware package for stemwin 1.21.1 . It was installed but when I open the project I do not see any parameters for STemwin in the projects
What shall I do please ??
Thank you in advance for your reply