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Hello, SDIO 4 bit  R/W with 32 bit HC works. When 64 GB XC is used getting error at:SD_PowerON() > HAL_SD_ERROR_CMD_RSP_TIMEOUTMore questions: when to enable HardwareFlowControl (at times R/W is success when enabled) and why set BusWide as 1 initiall...

GauravK by Senior
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Resolved! L0 internal EEPROM - simply overwrite?

Quick question concerning L0 internal EEPROM...From RM0377, page 79:Write to data EEPROM...DescriptionThis operation aims at writing a word or a part of a word in the data EEPROM. The usermust write the right value at the right address and with the r...

LCE by Principal II
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About STM32F429 DAC

Hi everyone,I'm encountering an issue with generating a 1 MHz sine wave using the DAC, TIM, and DMA for DDS. I'm utilizing a wave table to generate the sine wave.Currently, I have the HCLK and APB2 clocks both set to 180 MHz, and I'm using TIM8 as th...

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tasabao by Associate III
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Target Not Detecting with Debugger (ST link v2 )

Hi,we are using STM32F030CCT6 MCU and the communication is with SWD.for debugging we are using ST link v2 debugger, when we connect the target we are unable to connect. and it is displaying the target not detecting it.need help on this, I am attachin...


Resolved! Use Ethernet on nucleo STM32F767zi without RTOS

Objective:Use ethernet cable to talk to MCU.Don't want RTOS, just want to use simple CAT5e cable to link to PC server and can ping and can send some messages to and from server via JSON format messages.I have swept through nearly all available thread...

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Wai Siang by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H743 JPEG Decoder Performance

Hello,I'm trying to use the HW JPEG decoder on an STM32H743 MCU. When looking at the AN4996 Application Note, I found the following table:However, I'm unable to come even close to these values... This is what I measured: JPEG decodeDMA2D YCbCr320x240...


Resolved! STM32U083-DK Issue with compiling code

I have an STM32U83C-DK board and downloaded the git repository GitHub - STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeU0: STM32Cube MCU Full Package for the STM32U0 series - (HAL + LL Drivers, CMSIS Core, CMSIS Device, MW libraries plus a set of Projects running on al...

Bonnie by Associate II
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Resolved! GPIO Pin Initilization for USB Port

I Created a New Project for the Following MCU'sSTM32L072CZYSTM32F103C8T6STM32F401REI enabled the USB as Device and Also Selected Virtual Com Port as the Middleware and Generated the Project.Upon Loading the Respective Projects to the MCU's The USB Po...

Resolved! GPIO Alternate Mode Pull Up & Pull Down Function

I tried to solve the questions that occurred during the development of STM32 L4 Series through Googling, but I couldn't find anything related, so I'm leaving a post. I understand that even if the built-in Pull Up or Pull Down circuit is enabled, ther...

Odoong by Associate
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