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I used Timer6 and Timer7 on STM32L433CCT6, used Timer6 for tone generation and Timer7 for tone toggle generation, the ISR is: void HAL_TIM_PeriodElapsedCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef* htim) { if(htim == &htim6) { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_0)...
debugger window in STM32CubeIDE.
I read in reference manual and web tutorials of stm32f103c8, there were "AHB", "AHB1" and "AHB2", what's the difference between them, I know "APB1" and "APB2" are 2 APBs, the "1" and "2" are sequential numbers, how about "AHB1" and "AHB2" are they al...
I tried this tutorial on NUCLEO-L412RB-P, it was said "The HAL_EXTIX_IRQHandler and EXTIX_IRQHandler are inside stm32l4xx_it.c file.", I haven't find "EXTIX_IRQHandler" there, is it in somewhere else, or it was needed for L412RB-P?(the tutorial based...
I found in "Figure 11. Memory map" of "Datasheet - production data for STM32F103x8", the address span between Port A and Port B is 1024(0x4001 0c00 - 0x40010800 = 32*32 bits), while I found in "RM0041 - Reference manual STM32F100xx advanced Arm ® -ba...