2024-11-29 7:44 AM
I am useing ADC with STM32H743ZIT6 device.when i debugging,i find that the device can't read DBGMCU vale correct,although I read the 0x5C001000 address directly, i was so confused. Fortunately, I found the following skill.So
Step 1 : Download you firmware,you will find that your STM32 device does not printed correct DBGMCU value.
Step 2 : Power down your system.
Step 3 : Power on your system.
Step 4: You will find that your STM32 device has printed correct DBGMCU value.
Test code is here(printf is bound with USART1)
int main(void)
uint32_t val = 0;
val = LL_DBGMCU_GetRevisionID();
printf("rev val = 0x%08X\r\n", val);
val = LL_DBGMCU_GetDeviceID();
printf("dev_val = 0x%08X\r\n", val);
So, i think we could not read DBGMCU when debugging.
Best wishes