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CANBus RX interrupts of HAL

This is my RX callback,it only can run one time, anything I set wrong?I use it in LOOPBACK mode.void HAL_CAN_RxCpltCallback(CAN_HandleTypeDef* hcan) { Response=(uint8_t *)&hcan->pRxMsg->Data; HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart4,Response, 8, 5); HAL_CAN_Receive...

wu ryan by Associate II
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Problem to Make multi STm32F103RCT6 in a CAN NetWork

Hi all!I am new in CAN bus with STM32. I have a project using multi stm32f103 in a CAN network. I want to set up a STM32f103 as a Master CAN device, and others stm32f103 are as a slaver in CAN bus.I set up a stm32f103 as master, it worked well. bec...

tluu by Associate II
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SPI Configuration (bare metal-stm32h743)

I am trying to code the stm32h743 for spi communication and i can't seem to transmit. I am using PA5 as SCK and PD7 as MOSI. I read the procedure required that is in the reference manual (49.4.9

NBlac by Associate III
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Resolved! Timer interrupt does not wake up the processor

Hello, I am using timer 6 and generating interrupts for every works fine when i dont enable the sleep on exit feature. but if i enable sleep on exit feature, after the first timer interrupt , processor goes to sleep and the next timer interrupt...

RN by Senior
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