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Forum Posts

USB Library with device having multiple interfaces

Posted on October 22, 2016 at 04:27 I am not sure if this is a bug fix or an enhancement. I am developing on a proprietary board using the STM32F7 series processor. I have a device connected via USB using the USB Host Library. This particu...

djump by Associate
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Automatic SPI communication using STM32U5

HiI use STM32U575I-EV.I want to periodically read data from an external SPI device without CPU.The SPI device will emit a data ready signal(active low gpio), so I want to use that as a trigger to read the data.Ideally, I would like to perform multipl...

DK3 by Associate II
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Wrong PC (progam counter) when exiting ISR

Hi,i'm using a STM32L031. In my code i first initialize the MCU (FLASH, CLOCK, INTERRUPTs, GPIOs), start the LPTIM (running on LSI), then slow down the MSI clock, start the timer22 for PWM and go into low-power sleep mode.  When i let the program run...

Brigei by Associate II
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