Resolved! Get the X-CUBE-LED1642 driver
Helloi'm looking for the link to download X-CUBE-LED1642 driver but can't find itCan someone give me this link ?thanksbest regards
Helloi'm looking for the link to download X-CUBE-LED1642 driver but can't find itCan someone give me this link ?thanksbest regards
Posted on July 02, 2018 at 19:13Hi, I am working with an STM32L4. I'm trying to put it into STANDBY mode, and wake it up using a WKUP pin. The issue is that the first time I go to standby after POR, the system wakes up immediately, though I'm s...
Hi, I am trying to establish I2C communication b/w I2C1 and I2C2 on Stm32f4-discovery. I used CubeMx to generate code for standard mode with the following addresses.I2C1 = 0x5I2C2 = 0x7In the while (1) i added the following code.resp = HAL_I2C_Master...
I have recently faced with problem that the real timeout and calculated aren't equal. The formula is described as in the screenshot below. But the WWDG initiates a reset when the counter (T[5:0]) changes value from 0x40 to 0x3F. Then we have only 128...
In my project, PA15 pin is configured as o/p pin and is responsible to control BG96 module connected with the MCU.When I load program in controller and open debugging session, SDO shows 1V signal on PA15 (i.e. when controller is RESET).When PA15 is S...
I have a need where, to execute certain action depending on duration of button press.Example when press from 100ms : Play Song, 200ms : Next Song.I want to know what is the smartest way to implement this so that the user experience is good in the con...
Posted on May 02, 2018 at 12:34I know this is an old problem but I really cannot figure out.My intention is to use timer 15 as a trigger source with setting equal to 1kHz. Then by enabling ADC interrupt using EOC flag I think I could have an ADC in...
I used STM32CubeMX to build a very simple test case to output both the High Speed Clock (HSE) and Low Speed Clock (LSE) on output pins. I selected "Master Clock Output 1" and Master Clock Output 2" when I configured the input clocks. The HSE clock ...
Hi everyone!After AVR mcus STM32 with Cube and HAL is like an oasis in the desert! But after many experiments, researches and sleepless nights I know the situation isn't so great as I thought.I have few boards with 100, 103, 407 and other series.I'm ...