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I am currently working on switching my Keil workspaces to Atollic TrueSTUDIO.I realized that my calculation cycle time in TrueSTUDIO is much longer than old workspace that is implemented in Keil.I was using __sqrtf() function instead of sqrtf() funct...
I using hte RTOS middlewares within CubeMX but I have an ISR routine that can't be interrupted by the RTOS how can I do this?Many Thanks,Glenn
I'm using the following code to read from the QUADSPI data register. (uint8_t) * dptr;*dptr++ = QUADSPI->DR;What I get is it reads 4 BYTEs from the FIFO and only returns the lowest Byte in memory pointed to by dptr. The ref manual says you can read B...
Trying to compile an CubeMX generated file for STM32F730R and TrueStudio. But ALWAYS get a sorry unimplemented ... within the DRIVERS CMSIS INCLUDE file cmsis_gcc.h file.Please advise if there is an update for TrueStudio or Cube MX, will try with Kie...
Posted on February 20, 2018 at 19:36I'm using the STM32CUBEMX which generates HAL code and keeps my code within defined comments. BUT, I need to define an __attribute statement BEFORE a HAL generated function header, but there is no /* USER CODE .. ...
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