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Plug and play evalboard for Bluetooth audio

Hey guys i am searching an easy plug and play bluetooth audio solution possibly build on an stm32 nucleo that would perfectly also have a 5 - 10W amp included. Is there also a solution with audio weaver where i can program easily filters for left and...

What is the chip of the STM32 control board?

Hello. I am analyzing to acquire the EVALKITST8500-1, however I had some doubts regarding some aspects of the board. The STM32 board control board that comes in the kit anyone what model of the STM 32 chip is it? Or can you put any chip on the contro...

??sil by Associate
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stm32f100 usart not working properly

Hi,I am working on stm32f100 48 pin device.I am having operational issue while working on hw configured to use internal hsi osc which further add pll to generate sysclk of 36Mhz.I am communicating to gsm module over usart3.issue is gsm modul...

kkada by Associate II
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Synchronous USART 'clock' not working?

Hello,Currently I am working on an ECU to communicate with an (existing) electronic sub-system . My choice was to use the STM32F4 family for this application. Boards are coming in while writing software and there are issues in testing.I discovered t...

SBoks by Associate
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Undefine symbol readableU1 (refered from main.o)

.\sx1272mb2das\NUCLEO_CUBE_LORA.axf: Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol readableU1 (referred from main.o).This error occurs.​​​char readableU1(void);​​void check_GPSBufferSize(void) {​ int currentBufferLength = readableU1(); if (currentBufferLength > 0)...

KKS by Associate II
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How to configure Multiple channel ADC using DMA

Hi,I am using stm32f051r4 for my project . I want to configure multiple channel ADC using DMA and my configurations are as follows . void adc_configuration(){ RCC->AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_GPIOCEN;          // Enable clock for used IO pins GPIOC->MODER |...

STM32F777 RTC not working accurately

I was using stm32f429 and ported my code to stm32f777. In F429 the rtc was working accurately but in F777 it is lagging by about 1hr a day approx. The hardware is same for both the MCUs and using the internal RTC

HBatr by Associate II
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Resolved! Two mcu's accessing sdcard

Hey everyone,I have an stm32f722ze, The sdcard driver seems to be working well although I have a weird issue.I have a secondary mcu that also needs to access the sdcard.The secondary mcu can succesfully mount and unmount the sdcard multiple times, al...

con3 by Senior
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