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Forum Posts

Hardfault from printf

Posted on July 11, 2018 at 00:28I have been struggling for several days now to track down a hard fault I am getting in one of my programs.  It seems to be related to printf (and similar) functions.After running for a while I will get a hardfault fro...

Greg Wood by Associate II
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Posted on July 13, 2018 at 18:36Hi,I am working on Nucleo-144 SPI. The NSS GPIO ios PA4. The only way I can have the NSS high is use __HAL_SPI_DISABLE() function. The HAL_GPIO_WritePin() just never work.I can see from the scope to verify it. Doesn't...

STM32f429 start up code time

Posted on July 14, 2018 at 20:50Hello All; I am using STM32f429 ; my device should wakeup every 10 seconds to check the battery . We noticed that  the time need after reset before going to the Main routine is about 17ms ! we found every time teh CYC...

Spurious IDLE LINK indication over UART2

Posted on July 15, 2018 at 12:35Hi,I'm working with STM32L151 and using 2 UART interfaces.UART1 is configured with IDLE LINK indication and DMA for reception.UART2 is configured without IDLE LINK indication.I've used STMCubeMX to generate the HALs.I...

Reading Encoder and Input Capture on Same Timer

Posted on July 15, 2018 at 11:13Hi everyone!I'm using an STM32F767ZI and I want to read an encoder: I'm new to STM, so I am using CubeMX in order to set the mcu in the right way. I would like to read encoder's signals with only 1 timer, like timer 1...

Resolved! USB or Ethernet support

Posted on July 14, 2018 at 14:14I would like to connect STM32F030C6T6 in two different applications : with USB 2.0 or with Ethernet port Please give me suitable application note