Hai, I am using STM32F051R4 for my project,in this project i have to use multiple channel adc's using DMA .Is there any sample code availble for this requirement,i already have driver code but its much difficult to understand and make modification...
I'm using TrueStudio and I am getting an error on functions from another file. The file is in the Inc folder, is included in the project settings Path and Symbols, and my main has the #include (filename) at the top. Also, whenever I ctrl click on th...
Problem Description:We have interfaced STM32F030C8with ACS712(30A) current sensor. We are having difficulty in measuring AC current accuetly. ADC values keep changing.ACS712 works at 5V and STM adc operates at 3.3V. We collect adc samples for 1 min t...
Posted on April 26, 2018 at 14:52Hi guys, Im new to stm32 and i have a trouble using sd card with https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/Micro_SD_Storage_Board. I use CubeMX to generate code, and Workbench to edit it. I tried to use my sd card with SPI or S...
Posted on July 03, 2018 at 16:24Since STM32CubeMX 4.26.0 the file 'Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32F3xx/Source/Templates/system_stm32f3xx.c' is created, even if 'Copy only the necessary library files' is selected.#stmcube-bug #regression-testing-overra...
We are facing data loss issue while ping test was conducted on the STM32F407 with lwip stack 1.4.1 The stack was downloaded for STM32F407 Evaluation Board Code from www.st.com site after changing pin configuration [used tftpserver standalone code] f...
Hi, i want to try adc ch0 and ch1 in stm32f053 nucleo, i have 10k ohm and 1k ohm between 3v3, gnd and analog input. ( Basically voltage divider for measure.) However, i've faced absurd values in adc channel and, these values never changes. I'm sharin...
Hi i want to enable pwm output on PA10, as in below code, will do necessary init by MX_TIM1_Init, and then call HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim1, TIM_CHANNEL_3); to start.but PA10 is kept low measured by Osi.could you help review and any suggestion ? thanks...
I have downloaded the temperature sensor capability demo and I cannot get the code to work on the board. The program is stuck in the while loop of RTC_Configuration(). RCC_GetFlagStatus() is returning RESET. Also how do I get the temperature values t...