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Forum Posts

Resolved! STM32F4 microcontroller: instructions cycle number

I'm working with an STM32F4 microcontroller, a ChipWhisperer, and the SimpleSerial library, trying to track the execution of instructions. During this process, I noticed that the number of CPU cycles I measured doesn't match what I expected based on ...

Resolved! IWDG minimum reload in STM32L452

Hello community!I'm working with the independent watchdog with a STM32L452 MCU in the Nucleo-L452RE board and I'm facing a problem trying to set low values in the reload register. When I try to set the reload register to values lower than 5 cycles (I...

miguelvp by Associate
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BKIN input for multiple fault events

Hi As i am using one of TIM8 input for external BKIN pin, to detect fault for PWM shutdwon.But How to prevent this on multiple fault events.Like any cycle by cycle protection is there.

sag by Associate III
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RTC oscillator STM32F407

Hello,I am using a CC4V-T1A-32.768KHZ-12.5PF-20PPM-TA-QC crystal with 22pF caps on a STM32F407ZGT6.problem with some devices the crystal does not oscillate.could the crystal or the capacitors be wrongly designed?What can we change?Thanks for your hel...

Michael99 by Associate II
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generate timer interrupt at CNT value

Hello,is there a way to generate a timer interrupt at a certain CNT value? I have not found anything about this.And if this is possible, is it also possible to change this value on the fly?Thank you!

Rafael1 by Associate
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camera ov7670 with stm32h747i-dk board

Hi,I am currently working on a project using the STM32H747i-DK development kit. Where I am focusing on interfacing a camera ov7670 module module with the board and displaying the video feed on the attached display.Can anyone provide any sample code.T...

Power Supply requirments

Hi, I am looking to understand how best to size the power supply for STM32F413ZHT6What is the maximum current that this processor could draw on the 3V3 rail? Cheers, 

Resolved! Synchronise 2 independent timers in OC Toggle mode

Hello, my problem is as follows:I am working with an STM32G484QET6 uC. I have configured two timers with two output channels as Output Compare Toggle Mode. So that I get two independent quadrature signals.I now want to synchronise these two quadratur...

correct.png wrong.png
RLD by Associate II
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Instruction Timings not matching ARM Cortex-M4 Manual

I am working with an STM32F3, a ChipWhisperer and the SimpleSerial library right now and trying to follow instructions executed. While doing so, I noticed that the number of CPU cycles does not seem to match what I expected from the ARM Cortex-M4 ins...

Timon1 by Associate II
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