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Forum Posts

STM32f303k8t6 Nucleo board with DS18S20 Temp sensor.

Dear all, I want to read the temperature by DS18S30. For that I have downloaded the library for DS18B20 (not DS18S20, because not available) from I have added this to my project in Keil as shown in figure. But it c...

ssaho by Associate
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Does STM32H7 support ISO CAN FD?

The Reference manual states that the FDCAN supports CAN FD according to specification 1.0, but also states it is ISO 11898-1:2015 conformant.Also: There is a bit in one of the control registers that suggests the FDCAN can support both versions. Is th...

FGutm by Associate
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STM32F411RE using External power supply

Hello,to finish my project i want to remove my the cable wich is plugged in to my PC. So i need an external power supply. In the Datasheet i found the topic "external power supply" but i still dont know how to connect it. It says that i have to use E...