2018-11-13 12:32 AM
With stm nucleo stm32476rg it was possible to print hello world into the terminal (via serial com port) and also it would show virtual com port in devices and printer information in properties.
But with stm32l100rc it doesnot show the virtual comport just says stlink and i have hard time printing hello world in terminal in computer.
I tried looking schmatic of the board (discovery) and tried transmitting to that uart (just in case ) but still nothing...
can anyone enlighten me on this virtual comport and serial printing as i donot know what to google...
2018-11-13 1:11 AM
Don't know the L100 board you talk about.
But for the functionality asked you will need:
- UART RX/TX of the target is routed to the ST-Link part;
- the ST-Link firmware expects serial input on said pins;
- the ST-Link firmware contains a VCP driver, and translates said UART input to USB
2018-11-13 5:44 AM
Pretty sure that predates the mbed/VCP firmwares, does it report as an ST-LINK/V2-1 ?
Alternatively you could use the SWV debugger channel. Would need to check SB22 is made to connect the PB3/SWO pin.