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HAL SPI transmit/receive issues

I'm trying to use the HAL SPI driver to do a basic loopback test. I fill a buffer with incrementing values, and send that out while receiving into another buffer using HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive. I have 2 separate conditions both of which show odd behav...

Konami by Senior II
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STM32 F334R8 HRTIM Comparator Blanking Function

Hi, I have a question about connecting Comparator with HRTIM. I am currently working on Buck Converter with Digital Peak Current Mode Control. In this kind of control I need to measure the current of the inductor and compare it with another current w...

KKr�? by Associate
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STM32CubeMX not preserving my user code

I'm running v1.26.1 of CubeMX and any code that I add between the /* USER CODE BEGIN.. and /* USER CODE END.. comments gets deleted every time I (re)generate the project. I have the 'Keep User Code when re-generating' option ticked. What am I missi...

p.walker by Associate
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STM32L0 I2C Slave, hotplug Issue

Hello,I'm working on a product where we will use the STM32L71 device containing an I2C Interface for servicing and control. I develop first parts of the firmware on a STM32L53 nucleo board. Since the device must be hot-pluggable, it is not allowed to...

Artur1 by Associate II
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Question on PWM input mode

I'm trying to set Timer 2 (32 Bits) from Nucleo L432KC to measure input signals up to 1 kHz (for example). However, I'm confused about the selection of the prescaler and counter period. I read in a book:Another relevant condition is that the UEV freq...

xpp07 by Senior
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I2C communication takes too much time

Hello,I've had some trouble using the i2c interface on my Nucleo F722ZE board. I try to achive constant rate data sampling from my MPU6050 IMU. (accelerometer+gyroscope)For this I use the following 1000 Hz timer interrupt routine:void HAL_TIM_PeriodE...

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KMarci by Associate II
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+3.3V External Power Supply

Hello, I would like to use an external supply (3.3V) for my nucleo. the user manual tells me that I have to connect PIN 12 (IOREF) to +3.3V and also the PIN 16 to +3.3V. Both pins from CN7. Is this correct?And also GND to external GND. I already remo...

ASieg by Associate
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