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DMA-ADC timed by Tim6

i m using an stm 32 microcontroller to read adc channel, this is my approch: discontinuous DMA requests in Normal Mode and single conversion adc for multiple channels, i want the adc channels to be read 20 times in a row, with a frequency of 1Khz usi...

stm32f103cbt6 spi enable cause spi in slave mode

I made a board with spi1 connect a lora module, and the nss pin, I just want to use soft control. But I found that before I enable spi1, the SPI CR1 and CR2 register value as: (gdb) x/2wx 0x40013000 0x40013000: 0x00000024 0x00000040 but afte...

Generating a sine wave using STM32G4

I'm a beginner with STM32 and I'm trying to generate a sine waveform using a STM32G4 through the NUCLEO-G431KB board to be exact. I've been looking through tutorials on how to generate a waveform using a STM32G4 board, particularly this tutorial but ...

JMend.4 by Associate
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STM32H7R3Z8T6 configure FMC to enable nand flash errors

I use STM32CubeMX(ver 6.12.0) to configure STM32H7R3Z8T6, when i try to enable FMC to control nand flash, it suggest "NAND Flash 1 is not fully configured. Please enable addresses and data in the Mode section." as followingsomeone please help!!  

avchd by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F4 Discovery HSE issue

Hi,I am new user of ST Microcontrollers. I am using STM32F4 Discovery board.Till now its default HSI oscillator I was using, now I am going to use the HSE clock of this.STM32F4 Discovery board have 8 MHz crystal, which is connected to the microcontro...

A_H by Associate II
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STM32H745 DISCO line in audio

I have wrote software for recording audio from line in to wav file for STM32H745 discovery board.But output file is distortion (original file and output file is in attachment) Input file and output file is the same sample rate (32khz, 16 bit, 2 chann...

jokerhung by Associate II
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