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Forum Posts

Resolved! What is the correct connection for VCAP1 and VCAP2?

Hello,VCAP1 and VCAP2 are external capacitors for the core's voltage regulator.The data sheet for the STM32F479VI states that, "Stabilization for the main regulator is achieved by connecting an external capacitor CEXT to the VCAP1/VCAP2 pins."I inter...

Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 16.33.18.png exlabs_0-1723045268783.png Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 16.33.45.png
exlabs by Associate III
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VCom port, emptying buffer.

Hello! Not sure it's the right place to post. I have a custom board based on STM32F767. I'm using USB with VCOM port to communicate by UART. Basically it works (I mean, I can receive bytes from a terminal (I'm working on Ubuntu with STM32CubeIDE v. 1...

PG.1 by Associate III
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H747I-Disco Examples combination issue

hello forumI'm trying to use two examples at once, I'm looking for a script to save an image on an SD card as Jpegthe examples are:BSPJPEG_EncodingUsingFs_DMAI'm trying to import the JPEG_Encoding example into the BSP one,While doing so, the compiler...

Resolved! STM32F446VET7 HardFault_Handler

HelloI design a PCB and I am using STM32F446VET7When I try to debug in competely clear project (created from STM32Cube IDE - Cube mx)I got the void HardFault_Handler(void) function after  SystemClock_Config();. With HSE or HSI dosent matter I got the...


STM32 startup fails at HAL_RCC_ClockConfig

Hi, I have designed the custom board for STM32L073 series. Initially i have tested the code/firmware in Nucleo board of same part number, and we have designed the board keeping nucleo board schematic as reference. The code works fine in Nucleo board,...

Faizan75 by Associate II
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