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USB type C not working.

I have made my own PCB with STM32F427VIT6 for a project. But if I tried connecting with the cube IDE, I could not connect it through the Type C port, I could only connect it with STlink. Even my laptop doesn't detect the port. Can anyone help debug t...

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Jeeva by Associate II
  • 6 replies
  • 1 kudos

Resolved! External oscillator issue ( stm not booting)

Hello, I have designed my PCB with stm32f427VIT6 and a 24Mhz crystal oscillator. I was trying to upload and test the normal blink code and it's not working. If I disable the external clock, the LED works and does not work with an external clock. I am...

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Jeeva by Associate II
  • 8 replies
  • 8 kudos

Resolved! Effect of live wire insertion/removal of SPI signals

Hello, I am looking for a solution to my problem.I am using an STM32C031 to light LEDs using SPI signals.I am using a connector to connect the STM32 mounting board to the LED mounting board. The connector connects the DC power supply and the SPI sign...

shank by Associate III
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Resolved! Add External SRAM to STM32H743 without FMC

Hello,I am trying to find available solutions for below requirement.I am using STM32H743 MCU in a design and I want to add external SRAM of 128Mbytes to the design.I understand can do this with FMC, but the problem is available pins for the FMC are c...

Blk81 by Associate II
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STANDBY and SLEEP Modes using RTC

Hello,I am trying to use the SLEEP and STANDBY modes with the RTC. I want the device to go to sleep/standby mode for 10 seconds and wake up after the 10 seconds are done. I have tried it with an interrupt using UART and Button and both the modes are ...

Resolved! From H7-series to U5-series - problem with OCTOSPI

Hi,I have two custom boards using the same OCTOSPI HyperFlash and for some reason the memory fails to run at higher speeds with U5-board.Board 1-H7 MCU at 550 MHz-OCTOSPI at 160 MHz works fine! (max clk is 166 MHz)Board 2-H5 MCU at 160 MHz-OCTOSPI at...