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STM32F4x5 Redundant NAND Flash Setup (NWAIT or INT[3:2])


I'm trying to setup a pin configuration so that I can start making a PCB. 

I want to use two NAND flash ICs connected to the STM32F415ZGTx using the FSMC, setup in a way that there is a redundant backup of data and logs in the event of a failure. 

When I go to configure both, it seems that they both are using the same NWAIT pin so I am not sure whether I should continue to use this same pin for both chips or if I should switch to using INT2 and INT3.  I also have PSRAM in the configuration which also seem to be using the NWAIT pin (PD6).

Sorry in advance if this is a dumb question :) - first time using STM32CUBEMX/IDE so I am pretty new to configuring pinouts.  Mostly just used prebuilt boards but I wanted to learn how to work with the platform.