STM32G030 Usart2 Overrun stops further reception
On G030 if an overrun occurs on usart2 (no FIFO available) the reception of further bytes stops.Is this intentional or an known error?
On G030 if an overrun occurs on usart2 (no FIFO available) the reception of further bytes stops.Is this intentional or an known error?
Noob here. Using HAL and as much generated code as possible. Ive run into an issue on how to self learn, I've identified what I believe is the solution but nowhere( that I can figure out) in the reference document does it point to this in what I ...
Hi,I am trying to initialize FDCAN for my project. After the initialization I am clearing INIT bit in CCCR Register. The output what I can see is only CCE bit gets cleared but INIT bit is stuck at 1.Below is my code snippet.void Can_driver_init (void...
Hi all,Currently I am working on a project using STM32U575ZG with both ADC1 and ADC4 enable.1. On both ADCs I have multiple channels enabled and every loop cycle the module will start single conversion on all of them.2. A second ADC task I would like...
Hi,I'm creating a project on GUI using an embedded wizard. While I'm trying to flash the code to my STM32F423ZHT6 custom board. It shows an error: failed to erase memory.I'm using STM32CubeProgrammer and I successfully erased the entire flash. But st...
I am working with an STM32F405 and have the I2C1 peripheral set up as a master in standard mode with a clock speed of 100 kHz. The i2c bus has about 5 devices attached to it, none of which are capable of running in master mode. I'm using the HAL_I2...
Hello dear community!I've migrated from F7 to H7, everything fine so far.To save CPU time I don't want to use HAL for sending two SPI bytes.My F7 transmit SPI code was very simple and perfectly working :SPI6->DR = byte_0; SPI6->DR = byte_1;But on the...
Dear All,I am working with a STM32U599NJH6Q.If I understand things correctly it has 4MB of flash divided on 2 banks.Based on the sample in STM32Cube_FW_U5_V1.6.0\Projects\STM32U5x9J-DK\Examples\FLASH\FLASH_EraseProgram packet, in order to write to th...
HI,I cannot delete page 15, or other pages, of the STM32C031K6T6 flash chip. HAL_StatusTypeDef status; EraseInitStruct.TypeErase=FLASH_TYPEERASE_PAGES; EraseInitStruct.NbPages=1; EraseInitStruct.Page=15; status = HAL_FLASH_Unlock(); status = HAL_FLAS...
Hello, I try to use a TIM2 Interrupt to toggle a LED. I use a STM32F401C controller. If I toggle the LED inside the while loop with delay, it works fine. while (1) { HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOB, GPIO_PIN_15); HAL_Delay(1000); } ...