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Hello! I try to make powersaving mode for my device. So i should power off all chips on my board. I use TouchGFX with external RAM and QSPI and CMSIS OS v2. How could I reinit TouchGFX? I posted my code below. All is working, when powerups, but after...
Hello! I use CubeMX ver.5.1.0 and Linux Mint 19. When i push the button "Generate code" CubeMX creates source files and headers, but doesn't creates any project files or makefiles. Than it shows error message(screenshot in attachments). It shows this...
Hello! I use CubeMX to generate the init code for rcc whith LSE Crystal NX3215SA-32.768KHZ-EXS00A-MU00525 (32.768K,6PF), two 2.7pF capacitors and rtc module. Program goes to error handler after "if (HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&RCC_OscInitStruct) != HAL_OK)"-s...
Hello! I try to make SDIO 4 wide bus and USB Host MSC class works together. I want to write data to microSD card and copy that files to USB stick. It works separately. When i configure SDIO but not configure USB in CubeMX, data writes to SD-card. Whe...
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