Resetting STM32L4
Hi What is the best way of resetting the STM32L4 processor using registers? ThanksScott
Hi What is the best way of resetting the STM32L4 processor using registers? ThanksScott
On this site is stated that the STM32L431CC 48-Pin Package has an SDMMC interface... when have a closer look to the HW Manual, the AF functions are only avail at PORT C and PORT D... witch im...
I am working with STM32F303CB and want to use Standard Peripheral Library only.How do i achieve the above ?After DMA controller has transferred data to RAM, i want it to generate an interrupt.How do i achieve this ?
Hi All,I am using the STM32L151CBU6 MCU under battery operation with 32MHz and 32.768kHz crystals. On running it on STOP Mode with low power regulator using the API:HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON,PWR_STOPENTRY_WFE)The current consumpt...
I would like to generate Complementary PWM's with an adjustable deadtime on TIM1,2,3 channels. MCU is STM32F303CBI understand that this is done by setting the BDTR registers, but can't find a suitable reference/code snippet.This is what i have so far...
Hello everyone I try to communication with canbus protocol on stm32f429 discovery. but to send data and recieving data are not reguarly. for example, firs data is came, after second data recieved late.
Posted on December 04, 2013 at 11:08Dear allI have developed a USB MIDI device product based on STM32L151.Now I would like to make this product working with Apple MFi protocol.I was wondering if I could find somewhere some inputs about MFi source co...
should i buy evaluation board if so whch one is better or any online tutorial available
I am developing on the STM32F469i Discovery Board for a design that will have no DRAM.I need to write to the display using minimal SRAM or, better yet, write directly to the display controller. Is it possible to write bytes directly to the board or ...
Using only timer peripherals would it be possible to configure an input to start a timer - let the timer run for a set amount of time, and then create a timer interrupt?