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Hi All,In our product we have to avoid HSE, so decided to use MSI in PLL mode.The below code snippet works fine for MSI in PLL-mode , when auto-trimmed with LSE.But if the battery is say removed (The battery can get depleted in the field), the accura...
The code in bootloader does unlock and lock wrp for certain blocks in both the bank of internal flash which corresponds to application code.Sadly these calls are done not at the beginning and end of the code but at different states in the code logic....
Hi ,I am using STM32L series of MCU.From the application code independent watchdog is used and when it is time for entering bootloader say due to firmware upgrade, i use while(1) to reset the system.1.Once inside bootloader I am observing that the bo...
I am going through an existing implementation, where my MCU's(STM32L486) SPI1 (PA4(NSS), PA5(SCK), PA6(MISO), PA7(MOSI) is used as master, the slave device is a zigbee stack.Currently the master's SSL is configured as Software managed, (SSM=1, SSI= ...
Hi,As part of SOUP (Software of Unknown Provenance) validation for a Class C medical device, i need to provide a couple of information.I am using STM32F7xx series of microcontroller (specifically STM32F765). The version number in use is V1.1.2, i und...
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