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Resolved! H563 will have Hardfault when enable SRAM3 ECC

I am using the Nucleo board (H563) to test the SRAM ECCI have create a new project by board selector.Just have several printf function at main to print out to the SWO.It is working well without setting the SRAM ECC enable.However, once set the SRAM3 ...

JFung.1 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H7 USB Device configurate without USB interrupter

 CubeMX generated a example for USB CDC, and with HAL_PCD_IRQHandler.Now I want use polling method to initial USB,and communicate with host without USB interrupt.So how can I modify it?I had tried to do something ,but it not work.Please help me.1.  d...

SDFSDFDSF by Associate II
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Unique Id stm32H7

Hello Everyone,I am working on stm32h723zg, and I want to obtaind the serial of the micro controller for the unique id:uint32_t unique_id[3];void read_serial_number(void) {// Unique ID registersunique_id[0] = HAL_GetUIDw0(); // Unique ID Register 1un...

Osability by Associate II
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SSD1963 Initialization

I am trying to get a 7" LCD to interface with a STM32F407VET6 microcontroller. I am using a display from winstar which the product number is WF70A2TIFGDBT0. The screen is 800x480 pixels and uses 8080 interface. The display uses a SSD1963 driver and I...

Does STM32H7 support ISSI's OctalRAM ?

Hello, thank you for reading this post, sincerely hope to help answer questions.The OSPI interface of STM32H735IGK6 is used to connect ISSI66WVO32M8DBLL to ISSI's PSRAM, which can read and write registers but cannot read and write memory. When config...

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STM32F405 - SPI MPU-6500

Hi,I am trying to communicate with the MPU-6500 from InvenSense and the STM32F405 micro controller in SPI.I managed to read the WHO AM I. And seems to respond well with its value of 0x70.The problem I have is when I want to read the accelerometer and...

Capture d’écran du 2024-08-23 13-42-26.png Capture d’écran du 2024-08-23 13-52-09.png
ELECL.2 by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L431 TIM2 Rotary Encoder

Hi, I am having issues using the STM32L431RBI6 to read a rotary encoder.The encoder has a 0-5V output on its 2 channels, and is working with my other STM32 setup (on a STM32L451CCU6).On the STM32L431RBI6, I am using TIM2 configured in Encoder mode, w...

Resolved! STM32H745/755 and STM32H747/757 Bit Banding

I'm writing software on dual core CPU, On M4 core, I need to know is it support bit banding? I searched all documents from ST, but I didn't find clear answer, I found on M4 CPU, like STM32F series bit banding has supported, and on M7 single core CPU ...

Iraj by Associate
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