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Forum Posts

I am trying to code my STM32L1 controller bit by bit. I am trying to initialize the ADC and read a single channel and it is not working. I am not sure where the problem is?

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdint.h>#include "stm32l1xx.h"void TIM3_IRQHandler(void); uint32_t Channel_1=0;void TIM3_IRQHandler(void) %Interrupt every 1 second%{ TIM3->SR&=~TIM_SR_UIF; %Clear Flag% ADC1->CR2|=ADC_CR2_SWSTART; %ADC ...

ADani by Associate III
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replacing STM32F103C6 with STM32F103CBT6

hi,i am new to embedded programming and i have a problem and i appreciate any help.I have a firmware which works on stm32f103c6 .We had to replace the controller with an other to get more space for the flash Rom and that was the stm32f103cbt6,they a...

Hello, I would like to update my board firmware using bootloader CAN. Could the STLINK-V3 allow me to flash my board using bootloader CAN ? otherwise, which kind of board should I use as a host PC ?

Actually I did not purchase one yet. I know I have to choose one with a bootloader CAN include like a STM32F412.Is there a GUI who allow a drag & drop to flash the board, using CAN ?I saw that STM32CubeProgrammer should be update to allow to flash th...

Zephyr S by Associate II
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SDMMC & SDIO - why max 1 SD card only?

I'm writing an SDMMC driver for my C++ RTOS - - and there is one thing which really puzzles me, making it hard to decide about class hierarchy. In the Reference Manual for STM32F7 (but the same is true for other chips, both for ...