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Using TIM1 for get two positive pulses.

Hello.I using uC STM32F030F4P6. I need generate sequence positive pulses with help TIM1. Please see graph in the attachment. The first, must generate one positive puls with weight 1us on the channel 1 after this, must generate pulse with weight 6-16u...

SGaid by Associate II
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STM32F100 Temperatur Sensor with VDDA = 2.8V

​Hi,I am usign the STM32F100RB with VDDA = 2.8V.However when trying to use the internal temperature sensor I can calculate a slove of approx 2mV/K instead of approx 4.1K from the electrical caracteristics.Is there anything different at 2.8V instead o...

SPook by Associate
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Issue in code uploading for the IC STM32F100ZC.

hello, Iam having a issue in uploading the code to STM32F100ZC, I have attached the schematic of SW interface done. Its showing an error that target is not connected. I have done all the possible connections for BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins.Please h...

mPona by Associate II
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I am trying to use I2C communication using ST NUCLEO-F030R8 with AT24C64 and modifying code generated by STM32CubeMX. When I use HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady function it returns HAL_OK but HAL_I2C_Mem_Write or HAL_I2C_Mem_Read function returns error

if(HAL_I2C_IsDeviceReady(&hi2c2,0xA0,10,100)==HAL_OK){ sprintf((char*)TxBuff,"\r\ni2c device ready");}else{ sprintf((char*)TxBuff,"\r\ni2c device fail");}if(HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c2,0xA0,mem_add,32,&data_send,1,10)==HAL_OK){ sprintf((char*)TxBuff,"\r...

NAmat by Associate II
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UART tx stop when I send messages for a long time

I'm using uart fuctions with my board STM32F401RE.I don't use cts, rts (hardware flow control) and any receiving process.So I only transmitt some values to PC but I found that when I send a message constantly, suddenly it stop. I think it's related w...

dlee.0 by Associate II
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Install DFU driver on Win7 failed

Posted on August 11, 2015 at 04:28Hi guys,I wanted to test DFU function with my STM32F401 board, and my Win7 has installed DfuSe V3.0.4. After I plug USB to PC, it shows the driver is not corrected, so DfuSe can't recognized the USB device.I searche...

dqyang by Associate II
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USB CDC -- zero length packets

Posted on May 25, 2016 at 23:27I used stm32cubeMX to generate a CDC project for the stm32f3 discovery board.  After much fussing, I have a pretty stable echo going.  If I use a program to generate output/input from the host, I'm finding writes of 64...

Geoffrey1 by Associate III
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Issue with using internal opamp on the STM32L4

Hi I have been reading an ST presentation regarding using the internal opamp on a STM32L433. Am I reading it correctly, this saves in having to use an external opamp? I want to use it for as a follower for the analogue input. I am not sure I am read...