Is NUCLEO-H743ZI board no longer available to buy?
With all the distributor including arrow, digikey, I couldn't find any place that I can get this board. Is this board obsolete? or just it needs very long time to reproduce?
With all the distributor including arrow, digikey, I couldn't find any place that I can get this board. Is this board obsolete? or just it needs very long time to reproduce?
Hi everyone,I got a problem when i setup my can bus network. data 115200 Brate -> stm32f746vg(120 OHM //) --> CAN BUS----DEV1 --3M CABLE-- DEV2 --3M CABLE-- DEV3 (120 OHM //) DEV1,2,3 = STM32F091CCI need to explain my installation. i have 4 device...
Hi, I am using the stm32f407 card and I am developing keilda software but when I compile it does not fail but the delay does not work and I would be glad if you could help what could be the reason.
Do not use scanning method.Display with hc595 output.display doing blinkThe display does not remain steady when operating.I suspect Spi.I need helpthanks #include "stm32f4xx_conf.h" #include "stm32f4xx.h" #include <stdio.h> #define CLK ...
Hi,I am currently developing with the STM32F769I-DISC1 development kit and get audio output via the CN7 Line Out connector when setting the initialisation to OUTPUT_DEVICE_HEADPHONE in the sample example as below: if(0 != audio_drv->Init(AUDIO_I2C_AD...
I'm working on a low power driver for our project and want to put the mcu into sleep mode to be woken up by a timer. The mcu enters the Sleep mode but does not exit from the same. Since I have the Seggar J-link connected to over a JTAG port for debug...
I am using the STM32F407 discovery board and Wolfson pi audio interface. I have a problem in analysing sample values received from MEMS microphone.I wanted to plot the data sensed by the MEMS microphone, which is just sensing the surrounding environm...
Hi,I use I2C like this uint16_t I2cAddrTemp = 0x90; uint8_t I2cWritedata = 0x00; uint8_t I2cReaddata = 0xFF; uint8_t read_i2c_temp(void) { hi2c1_status = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c1, I2cAddrTemp, &I2cWritedata, 1, 1000); //PRINTF("I2c = %02X",...
Hello, I've installed Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Dev (V. Oxygen.3a release 4.7.3a) in Windows 10.I've installed stm32 cube mx plugin ( following procedure on UM1718 user manual ("Installing STM32CubeMX as an Eclipse IDE plug-in" parag...
Hi all,I'm having some trouble getting DMA to service sequential uses of I2C+DMA transactions.I can have the I2C+DMA initialize our demodulator, which involves some 12,000 reads and writes. (So, I2C+DMA works *very, very well* when it works.) I ca...