STM32L010F4 errata sheet
Hi,where can I find errata sheet for STM32L010F4? I cant believe that it has no error...Thanks.
Hi,where can I find errata sheet for STM32L010F4? I cant believe that it has no error...Thanks.
Hi,//In my project i want to use 0.5 us (500 nanosecond) timer interrupt counter. //The MCUs max speed is 216 MHz. To get 200 MHz clock frequency, My OSC and CLOCK Settings are void SystemClock_Config(void) { RCC_OscInitTypeDef RCC_OscInitStruct; RCC...
I do have the clock setup 60 Mhz (max is 80) for STM32FL41KBU6 and I ma dividing it by 30I need 60 because I am trying to setup ADC 1Msps. I shoud have 2 MHz on PIN PA8static void MX_TIM1_Init(void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN TIM1_Init 0 */ /* USER CODE EN...
void ADC3_config(void){ AdcHandle.Instance = ADC3; if (HAL_ADC_DeInit(&AdcHandle) != HAL_OK) { /* ADC de-initialization Error */ //Error_Handler(); } AdcHandle.Init.ClockPrescaler = ADC_CLOCK_SYNC_PCLK_DIV4; /* Synchronous clock mode,...
I have a pulse input circuit with my counts going both into LPTIM1 input and TIM8 input 1. I am using capture compare to measure the frequency using TIM8. I would also like to use LPTIM1 in conjunction to keep the actual count of my pulses. When I se...
Dear All,I need to send hexadecimal number over uart using STM32F407VG. How can I do that?Regards,Gunit
how to set the minimum heap size manually in code without cubemX?
I want to know if the DMA in STM32F070 supports data transfer of 2/3 bytes? Or Does it support transfer only of multiple of 4 bytes?In my project, I have a problem of data alignment. My hardware is receiving 3 bytes of data over UART periodically. I ...
HelloMy app does not start without the debug probe.I replaced source code (app with freertos) by a simple blinking led, and it starts withoutthe debug probe (segger j-trace)...Any idea?Edit; Moving around a blinking led in the code, it appears that c...
I am testing the stemwin using the stm32f429i-disco Board.When building the project, I get the following error and I can not trace the error.This error occur when i use GUI_Init() FunctionPlease help me!!