User Activity

Hello all from ST!The STMStudio ships a modified version of an open source software called GDB:As you see from the output above the GDB is licensed under the terms of GPLv3+.The GPLv3+ license require the modified sources to be shared.Could someone p...
Dear CubeMX developers!I would like to suggest you to add an user code section around the function body of the Get_SerialNum in the usbd_desc.c file generated with the CubeMX for the STM32F1 family:static void Get_SerialNum(void) { uint32_t devices...
Title says almost all:I have had a project which needs support package migration. I hit cancel and the project disappeared from the home screen and the File -> recent projects menu as well. I am using 5.0.0 version on Linux
Dear STM32CubeProgrammer Developers,I would recommend to add a select all checkbox/context menu to the page selector of the Erase flash memory table view: I have a 2 sector wide EEPROM emulated area at the end of the flash what I would like to preser...
In the UM2448 in the 11.5 section the following is present:The STLINK-V3SET implements an USB interface dedicated to bridge functions from USBto SPI/I2C/CAN/UART/GPIOs of ST microcontroller target. This interface is firstly used bySTM32CubeProgrammer...
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