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Forum Posts

NUCLEO-F303RE ADC interrupt issue?

Hello everyone,could someone please help with the following, I am trying to use ADC with interrupts. Doing the same thing with STM32F103C8T6 it works without issues, but using nucleo board it doesn't.Could someone please have a glance on the code ? (...

Resolved! Issue with PLL of the STM32F302

Hello, we're using the microcontroller STM32F302C8 and we have a problem with the PLL.The problem is when we enables the PLL the microcontroller is reset. We have made several tests using HSI and HSE, but always the same result, a reset after to enab...

GYacc by Associate II
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STM32F746 Discovery default screen reset

I am new to Electronics and recently bought STM32F746 Discovery Board and connected to to my laptop using USB cable to STLink connector pin. Main screen light up showing programs pre save in it. and uploaded run LED blink code and then screen went of...

MMalv by Associate
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Is the 4mA increase in current consumption expected when we just enable the wide bus operation in uSD card via SDMMC interface in STM32 MCU?

In a product which requires power consumption to be minimum as possible, we are employing a STM32L496 as MCU. In recent days, we were trying to bring down the power consumption of the overall device. We observed that immediately after enabling the wi...

HP.15 by Associate II
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Vbat measurement way off (0.15V)

I use the Vbat pin to measure a lithium battery (3.6V) at a STM32L471 (Vcc=1.8V Vdda=3V).However my measurements are off by ~0.15V even though I confirmed the physical signals.Do I have to calibrate the ADC somehow for this to work properly?Expected ...