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Forum Posts

Correct ADC settings for DMA

Hello, I need help with ADC and DMA settings. My application is VERY EASY but I do not understand the setup parameters. The application is that I just start CPU and the ADC raw value should independently transfer via DMA to variable. When I need the ...

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ADC in STM32H743ZI does not work

Hi!I am trying to run a 16-bit ADC on a Nucleo-H743ZI2 debug board. The measured voltage is DC, 1.25 Volts, obtained from the DAC output of the controller. ADC1 input is channel 5 (pin PB1 on the CN7 board connector is close to GNDA pin and a 6.8 µF ...

Resolved! [STM32F405] flash strange behaviour

Hello all,I'm trying to lock the flash in level 1 mode. To do so, I'm using the provided ST APIs. In particular, I'm doing:  FLASH_Unlock(); // unlock flash to deal with it FLASH_OB_Unlock(); // unlock option byte to deal with it if(FLASH_OB_GetRDP...