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Forum Posts

only 1 byte RS485 received on STM32L051

Hi there I am using STM32L051 to talk to a RS485 transceiver and I am having problem with the receive part.System is as follow: laptop->FTDI USB converter-> Renesas transceiver -> STM32I want to update the single byte buffer when a character is detec...

STM32F4 Discovery Board

Posted on January 30, 2013 at 12:49Hello all, at the moment I have some issues with the voltages on the STM32F4 Discovery Board. The two diodes D1 and D3 (BAT60JFILM) causes a voltage drop around 0.32V, so that the 5V only delivers 4,68V and not 5V....

toeztuerk by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32_Debugger_IC

I have a general question. I am using STM32F423 and STM32L407 Evaluation boards for practicing. So in both there boards they are using the debugger IC which is STM32F103CBT6.i.  Why are they using this IC and what exactly does this IC does in program...

USBH_HID_SetReport issue

Posted on May 10, 2018 at 14:30I'm developing an HID USB Host application. I have already opened a discussion ( about HID USB Host and I applied all the suggested patches in forum, but now I have another p...

FATFS f_open issue when text file reaches 64kB

Hi all,I'm using an STM32F413 to write to an uSD card via DMA over SDIO. I'm using the FATFS (R0.12c).  Up until now, I've been writing to the SD card by firstly mounting, opening the file, write, write, write... then closing and unmounting. I'm writ...

evanfahy by Associate
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Resolved! H743 QSPI DMA

Hi All,Probably easy question, I would like to use DMA with QSPI (e.g. HAL_QSPI_Receive_DMA) but STM32CubeIDE/MX (1.16.0) is not giving me any options to configure it.There are no options, my parameter settings are belowQSPI is working fine in Indire...

Screenshot 2024-08-14 153303.png Screenshot 2024-08-14 153209.png
hans86 by Associate III
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Resolved! Unknown PWM CH2 error STM32F030C8

Hi in custom design arrive problem , that seems as hard to solve. TIM3 CH1 and CH2 config:  TIM_TimeBaseStructInit(&timer); timer.TIM_Prescaler = 1-1; //48Mhz/1/2000=24kHz timer.TIM_Period = 2000-1; timer.TIM_ClockDivision = 0; timer....

MM..1 by Chief III
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Resolved! USB issues related to USART speeds -- STM32L072

I've been working on an STM32L072 based project involving USB and USART4. I ran into an issue that puzzled me, so I figured I'd post about it here to help others. If there is a solution to this problem, even better!My original design used USART4 as a...

Delaney by Associate II
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