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Forum Posts

"revup_ctrl.c" file is missing from library !

Dears I'm using the board STEVAL-SPIN3202 to drive a BLDC motor using hall sensors for speed sensing. When creating the code using STM MCWB 5.3 software, I choose hall sensors mode for speed sensing with one shunt resistor for current sensing. The pr...

ANahh by Associate II
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I2C not responding to read sequence on STM32L0

Hi guys,I'm using the latest ST generated I2C hal driver on an STM32L0. On my I2C master, I'm requesting to read from a register, which sends the following sequence:Start -> Address (W) -> Register 1B -> Stop -> Start -> Address (R) -> Data 4B -> Sto...

Scribe by Associate II
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Automatic Baud Rate Software example

Does anyone have a example for an included automatic baud rate detection?The Dokumentation about it is available here:

arduo by Senior
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Dear ST community,I'm using MATLAB Simulink to implement a BLDC-motor control. Therefore I use the Target Support Package-STM32 Adapter (STM32-MAT/TARGET).I have problems with the Timer block of this block set.For a simple test, I designed a control ...

OAlsh by Associate
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STM32F4 with TDC7200 for ToF measurement

Posted on June 22, 2017 at 07:46Hi,I am using TI's with STM32F407. The interface is SPI. I am able to read and write into the registers (CONFIG1 and CONFIG2) over SPI without any pr...
