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Resolved! ADC resolution and its reference voltage

I am using STM32F407VG board. I wanted to know about the reference voltage and ADC resolution available on this board. I couldn't find the exact info related to these parameters in the datasheets.

rrach by Associate II
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Advancing debug steps clock by clock

Hello AllI understand that debug steps advance instruction by instruction (whether in C or assembly). I wonder if there is any way to advance CPU clock by CPU clock. I need this to debug an issue I have with the SysTick timer.Thanks

Amir1 by Associate II
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Finding sizeof(structure) in Atollic TrueSTUDIO

Hello, I am programming a SMT32 chip and I am trying to find the size of a defined structure like the code snippet below. From reading online, using sizeof() on a structure can yield different results on different IDEs. When I use sizeof(struct some...

BRoge by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32L0 stop mode - RTC wakeup not working after RESET

STM32L041F6 - I configured RTC for wakeup every second from Stop mode. It works ok, but after external reset (NRST pin) it not working. Program run in main while() only once, to line:HAL_PWR_EnterSTOPMode(PWR_LOWPOWERREGULATOR_ON, PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI);...

mat-ush by Associate
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fast ADC and fast clock in the same chip?

The STM32L4xx have excellent 4.5~5MSa/s simultaneous sampling ADC but abysmal 80 MHz CPU clocks. The fast STM32F's have faster clocks but ADC are <2.5Msps. Is there no MCU with 5Msps ADC and 200MHz+ CPU clock?

jandle by Associate
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Nucleo64 - default blinky description

UM1724 rev.12, in chapter 5.1 Getting started in description of the default blinky program which comes preprogrammed with the board, says:5. Observe the blinking frequency of the three LEDs LD1 to LD3, by clicking on the buttonB1.What?LD1 is STLink's...