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Forum Posts

Sram to GPIO 8 bit transfer using DMA

Hello,I am a student of electrical engineering and I'm now starting a project where I need to use the stm32 architecture.The idea is to use a NUCLEO-H743ZI board and to connect 8bits of the GPIO to a VGA Cable and display a 640x480 60Hz 256 colors i...

JGon? by Associate
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stm32l452, uart, when TXE = 1 ?

stm32l452, uart. CR1_TE is = 1, now I set CR1_TXEIE = 1. Is ISR-TXE = 1 (and INT generated) now too? Or really only if 'data is transferred to the shift register' ?

bso by Associate
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Resolved! STM32L4R9 GPIO13, 14, 15 EXTI interrupt problem

I think I've caused some problem in the way I'm coding this interrupt. For a second I thought it was a pipeline re-entry problem like Clive-Two-Zero described in a different thread, but adding a volatile variable and incrementing it, didn't seem to w...

Du1 by Senior
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Resolved! 32F769IDISCOVERY WiFi

I'm having a lot of trouble finding documentation. This board sold by ST exposes a connector that is intended to house an ESP8266 WiFi device. But the ST documentation says nothing about how that connector is wired on the board. I assume it's tied to...

Multiplexing with STM32F303

Hello ! I really need your help , im working on a project and its a game of luck , random numbers will appear on 4 x 7 Segments , so i must multiplex , i understood the principe but i can't reach some good results , i don't know why ...only the commo...

CHae by Associate
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