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Forum Posts

I need to have a function that is being called everytime my DMA transfered all the data to my LEDs. How can I do that? Thanks for your answers!

Hi everyone! I am using STM32F446RE for a project of Tetris with a LEDs matrix (WS2812B). To communicate with my LEDs, I call HAL_TIM_PWM_Start_DMA(&htim2, TIM_CHANNEL_4, (uint32_t*)pixelsBuff, (uint16_t)pixelsBuffSize) every 500 ms. And this works w...

ARey.17 by Associate
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STM32L0 EEPROM getting corrupted during writes.

Hi all,Just wondered if anyone had a similar experience with this. Currently i'm storing a devices current state and settings in the EEPROM. This information is accessed and updated at a high frequency during a part of the program. I have experienced...

STM32L0 strange current draw from stop mode

I have encountered a strange power draw behavior of an STM32L0 device in a battery powered circuit. Using a Nordic power profiler kit, the device draws the nominal 5 uA current after entering Stop mode then seems to "wake-up" and draw 78 mA. The curr...

KBrow by Associate
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SDIO Hardware Flow Control

Posted on December 17, 2013 at 05:03Greetings all, I've been playing around with SDIO on an STM32F4 -Discovery card with the Embest Baseboard on it. My goal is to get it to work in polling mode, flow control mode, interrupt mode, and dma mode. This ...

orders-st by Associate II
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DFU and DFUSE for STM32L476 Discovery Problem

Posted on October 22, 2016 at 16:36Hello,I am having an issue with DFU downloading to a STM32L476 Discovery board.- Compiled a simple LED switching application in IAR converted to DFU by the file manager (tried both bin and hex)- Tested via ST-LINK ...