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Dear Sir/Madam:I try to use write and erase a sector with interrupt enable.writing interrupt work , but erase interrupt does not work and cause the system reset after hunging for a whilethe reason I use interrupt, is to avoid the erase holding system...
Dear Sir/Madam:I use three uart of stm32f4 : uart1, uart2 and uart6I have some problems . when uart1 has overrun error,all system get stuck there. I read some websites about this.they mention that in the hal lib, clear ORE does not work, they said, o...
Dear Sir/Madam:I have a problem and would need your help. when I write a watchdog like the following:void init(){.. SystemClock_Config(); /*######## Configure watchdog timer ############################*/ // Watchdog clock is LSI, runs at 32kHz. The ...
Posted on June 19, 2018 at 16:39 Dear Sir/Madam: I am using STM32F4x nucleo HAL lib, and try to set timer interrupt. It does not work. Here are the settings for timer interrupt: ..... // Timer is configured to be triggered every .05 secs. ...
Posted on May 24, 2018 at 22:20Dear Sir/Madam:I am using nucleo -f401RE with STM32 . I found the program keeps reset even with almost empty main loopthere is no way to do seftreset from the codes. only settings for hardware are system clock and some...