2019-07-10 7:51 AM
So I just started to use stm32f103 MCU that I have but for some reason I code doesn't go into the TIM2_IRQHandler.
This is my code:
.syntax unified
.equ GPIOB,0x40010C00
.equ RCC ,0x40021000
.equ TIM2 ,0x40000000
.equ NVIC ,0xE000E100
.global main
ldr R0,=RCC
mov R1,0b1000
str R1,[R0,0x18] //set the GPIOB Clock || RCC_APB2ENR
mov R1,0b1
str R1,[R0,0x1C] //set the TIM2 Clock || RCC_APB1ENR
ldr R0,=TIM2
mov R1,0
str R1,[R0,0x28] //set the prescaler to 0 || TIM2_PSC
mov R1,255
str R1,[R0,0x2C] //set the ARR to 255 || TIM2_ARR
mov R1,0b01
str R1,[R0,0x0C] //enable the interrupt || TIM2_DIER
str R1,[R0] //enable the counter || TIM2_CR1
ldr R0,=NVIC
ldr R1,=0x10000000 //position of TIM2 in NVIC
str R1,[R0] //Enable the global TIM2 interrupt
ldr R0,=GPIOB
ldr R1,=0x44444424
str R1,[R0,0x04]
b wow
.global TIM2_IRQHandler
ldr R0,=GPIOB
ldr R1,[R0,0x0C] //read the output of GPIOB || GPIOB_ODR
ands R1,0b1000000000
mov R1,512
ite ne
strne R1,[R0,0x14]
streq R1,[R0,0x10]
ldr R0,=TIM2
mov R1,0b00
str R0,[R0,0x10]
bx lr
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-07-10 9:36 AM
> I can't get the TIM exception to work
And what are exactly the symptoms? GPIO does not toggle? That might mean several things - timer does not run, timer runs but interrupt does not fire in NVIC, interrupt fires but does not run the ISR handler (e.g. if it is not correctly put in the vector table); code may even hang in the startup code. You need to distinguish them.
Use disassembler to check the ISR address is properly set in the vector table. Use debugger, read out and check the TIM2 registers. Make sure TIM2->CNT changes.
2019-07-10 9:36 AM
> I can't get the TIM exception to work
And what are exactly the symptoms? GPIO does not toggle? That might mean several things - timer does not run, timer runs but interrupt does not fire in NVIC, interrupt fires but does not run the ISR handler (e.g. if it is not correctly put in the vector table); code may even hang in the startup code. You need to distinguish them.
Use disassembler to check the ISR address is properly set in the vector table. Use debugger, read out and check the TIM2 registers. Make sure TIM2->CNT changes.
2019-07-10 9:46 AM
2019-07-10 11:45 AM
I have made sure that TIM2->CNT works but the code doesn't enter the exception
2019-07-10 11:46 AM
I checked and the code does set the UIE bit
2019-07-10 12:41 PM
I listed several things to check.
2019-07-10 12:49 PM
Should be STR R1,[R0,0x10] ; TIM_SR, and done earlier so it clears the pipeline before the tail-chain test
2019-07-10 1:26 PM
thank you the problem was the vector table
2019-07-10 1:26 PM
Whoops didn't realize that thank you pointing out my mistake