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Hi. I try to use an external IDE, code::blocks in this case, but have some issues attaching to target. First, i took the gnutools and ST Link GDB server from CubeIDE 1.5.0 etc. (Since i know some needs to ask why I wont't use CubeIDE, the answser i s...
It seems to me that st-flash still have not got any support for STM32H7xx devices yetIs there other command line options available that run under Ubuntu? Could be payware even.. I have both stlink/v2 and a segger j-link (EDU version) available but ha...
HW setup is a self built board using the STM32H743V MCU and a Sharp LQ104V1DG61 TFT display. Display is setup to L8 and using CLUT table, Running on 25MHz (measured) it has a 640x480 format, RGB666 (yes I know that is not part of the supported format...
I believe this signal is not needed by the 1bit interface, that only D0, CMD and CK is required. However since I cant get my card responding I start questioning my design. I thought CDIR was only used for SD cards used in SPI mode?Alternatively I may...
Using STM32H743VIT. Plane to use a RGB666 640x480x3 TFT. Configurating IOs using CubeMX version 4.27.0. First of all, when expanding LTDC pheripheral I only find two out of 8 possible modes, i.e. RGB666 and RGB 565. The RGB888 and ARGB' variants etc....