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I'm a bit lost by this one. I can write to the flash but cannot erase a sector. I can erase sectors with the ST-Link Utility. The result codes at every step indicate success, but the flash is not actually erased. I am using the Standard Peripheral Li...
I have just bought an STM32MP157C-DK2 and would like to get started. I found a tool within the wiki which allowed me to select a bunch of the "getting started" sections and create a PDF. However. all the pages of the PDF just said I didn't not have p...
I am moving a large existing project from IAR to Atollic True Studio for STM32 as an experiment. I got it to build and run without too much pain, but have noticed that the ELF file which is produced is *much* larger - more than twice the size with no...
Posted on June 08, 2018 at 10:48I have a question about a feature of STM32s which slightly puzzles me. Each peripheral class (e.g. SPI) may have several instances on a given processor (e.g. SPI1, SPI2, ...). Different processors in the family have d...
Posted on April 30, 2018 at 12:25I am seeing some curious behaviour with the LSM303DLHC sensor. I am using the magnetometer only, reading at 200Hz. My software responds to interrupts on the DRDY pin by reading six bytes starting from register OUT_X_...