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STM32F767 linker script problem

Hello. I have problem with linker script.I have this memory map:MEMORY { FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x08000000, LENGTH = 2048K ITCMRAM (rw) : ORIGIN = 0x00000000, LENGTH = 16K DTCMRAM (rw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH =...

STM USB VID and PID in commercial products

We are developing some devices which will use the usb as a virtual serial port to mainly update our devices with our own bootloader. Do we then need an own vid and pid for usb? Or is it also possible to get and use the vid and pid by STM?

JB91 by Associate II
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Resolved! TIM16 and LSI frequency Measurment

Hi,I'm using STM32H743ZI. I want to measure the LSI frequency by timer TIM16.Configure TIM16 by CubeMX (5.2.1)"Input Capture direct mode from Remap""TI1 remap capabilities for TIM16 => "TIM16 TI1 is connected to RCC LSI"TIM16 global interrupt => "Ena...

DFU file from command prom

HiI would like to create the DFU file once I compile the whole program, in a way the the file *.dfu is already ready to be updated with the bootloader. I already know that there is the program "Dfu file manager", does anyone know how to use it from c...

FAlbe by Associate
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What to do if an LPTIM takes too long to wake up STM32L476 from Stop 2 mode for the first time after every reset when LPTIM1 is used as a Timeout wakeup unit?

I am using STM32L476.I want to enter the Stop 2 mode and use LPTIM1 as a Timeout wakeup unit.The code is written such that the LPTIM1 wakes up the MCU from Stop 2 mode after every second. The LPTIM1 takes too long to wakeup the MCU for the first time...

HShah.14 by Associate
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STM32L051C8 EEPROM compiled with initial data

HelloI  would like to write data in internal EEPROM memory during compilation, starting in address 0X08080000. Can you tell me how to do it?I'm using CUBEMX for configuration and export the project to atollic. note: urgent answer.thanksAntonio ​

AG70 by Associate II
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