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Forum Posts

ANSWER: Why SWD stopped working after re-programming

I had a board that I was debugging, and all was going swimmingly. Then I started getting an 'unable to connect' message while debugging. I didn't touch the hardware, nothing had changed. So I thought.To make a long story short, I had enabled the f...

caleb by Associate III
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Resolved! Using HAL SPI on H3LIS200DL

Hello:Previously using CMSIS, I was able to read or read/write this accelerometer device. Using HAL, I am having some problems. To start, I am trying to read the ID register. I am writing in the address and a dummy byte. The address for the ID regist...

Strange CAN_ID behaviour

I am currently working on a project for a Battery Management System. For this I need to communicate with the rest of a car via CAN. However, my CAN has strange behaviour when sending messages. When I try to send a message at 4Hz (so not fast at all),...

YFric by Associate II
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Noise problem with ADC

Good morning,I have a problem with the adc converter of the microcontroller stm32L053. I am in the prototype state and am using the Discovery Board.I only have the analog AN0 pin connected to ground. When I execute the reading the converter does not ...


[STM32F407VET6] Is it possible to use the BOOT0 pin as GPIO?

Hi,I'm interested to know what may be happening that STlink can not find the STM32.A strange thing is that the BOOT0 pin is being used as a GPIO. This pin is actuating an opto coupler (it is connected to pin 1 of a PC817)What do I need to ensure for ...

by Not applicable
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