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Hi all,I have to port a working LoRa project from STM32WL55JC (3.3V) to STM32WLE5CC. First besides the JC (BGA) has more pins thatn the E5CC (QFN), anything else should be the same (expect maiy EXTI which te project does not use).Now my the issue: Th...
Hi all,I am not sure if I understood the reference manual right: When I activate Read Out Protection RDP Level 1, I can no longer access RTC Backup registers if I execute in RAM. I did not read that also Backup RAM is inaccessible. But it looks it i...
I'm trying to write to a single register of a LCD controller using the 16 Bit FMC peripheral in SRAM mode.[update)My assumption at the moment is that the controller writes 64 bits even the command STRH should only write a half word (16 bits).When wri...
Hi all,Preamble:I have an STM32H743 application that needs to constantly read some data stream from an USB memory stick. Basically all works. I needed to apply the NAK fix to avoid FreeRTOS getting blocked from too many NAK IRQs. Done, no longer an i...
Hi all,I have a STM32H743 running at 400MHz with simple USB 1 wiring to an USB A jack. It works fine, no issues, runs for hours with thousands of read and write operations.But there is one little issue that drives me crazy:If I plug in and unplug one...
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