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Losses the bytes of data in LPUART IRQ HANDLER?

I have configured LPUART with 9600 baud rate and enable receiver interrupt with MCU 65Khz low power mode and my uart handler likevoid LPUART1_IRQHandler(void){ uint32_t isrflags  = READ_REG(hlpuart1.Instance->ISR); uint32_t cr1its   = READ_REG(hlpuar...

Uart timeout?

Hi,I am using LPUART for sending data to the GSM. I wrote own uart transmit driver without timeout, like void LPUART1_Send_Data(uint8_t *string){ while(*string) { if((LPUART1->ISR & USART_ISR_TC)==USART_ISR_TC) { LPUART1->TDR=*string; ...

HAL_SRAM_Read_DMA() assumes 8-bits word ?

Hello,When using SRAM without DMA I find several group of APIs for read/write, depending on bus width:HAL_SRAM_Write_8b HAL_SRAM_Write_16b HAL_SRAM_Write_32band also read APIs of course.But for DMA there is only: HAL_SRAM_Read_DMAHAL_SRAM_Read_DMAIs ...

ranran by Senior II
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FDCAN (Classic, Normal) STM32H753 STM32CubeMX HAL

I am new to FDCAN on STM32H7.Using STM32H753VIT6, STM32CubeMX , and HAL, I configured both FDCAN1 (master) and FDCAN2 (slave) at 250 kbps, and all seems to work fine.To check it, I used a MicroChip CAN Bus Analyzer Tool (BTW a very limited and buggy ...

Jack3 by Senior II
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Resolved! IMPRECISERR while storing data in array

Hi guys,I have to store some data on a sd-card. (The data will be a huge number of bytes)I want to save them in a high frequency (now about 5kHz) in a buffer on the chip (RAM) and then store them in a lower frequency (1Hz) on the sd card.So I have se...

FGese by Associate
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Resolved! How to start learning HAL library (beside the datasheet)

Hello,I learned to blink a led as well as using the user's button to make interrupt using HAL library and CubeMXHowever I learnt that through tutorials.I tried to learn more thanks to the datasheet but it doesn't really help. For instance, the ReadPi...

GGODA by Associate II
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Hello,i interface the STEVAL-IDP005V1  with STM32F401RE programmer (ST-LINK V2-1) with needed connections so when i drop the .bin into drive no errors come but the device resets and it doesnt show any parameters on serial display. i follow the attac...

v_1 by Associate II
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