2019-09-04 12:03 AM
I use STM32L100.
I try to use the clock output from the MCO as the I2S clock.
STM32L100 is an I2S slave and outputs an external clock using MCO(24.5MHz).
Can it use without problems?
Thank you.
2019-09-04 02:28 AM
With this description and question - yes. Probably You have to ask something more specific.
2019-09-04 04:32 AM
> STM32L100 is an I2S slave
AFAIK, there's no I2S in the 'L100. I don't say it can't be emulated by SPI.
> and outputs an external clock using MCO(24.5MHz).
Outputs the clock into what input?
Note, that PLL in STM32 introduces some jitter; this may or may not matter for your application.