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Hello,i interface the STEVAL-IDP005V1  with STM32F401RE programmer (ST-LINK V2-1) with needed connections so when i drop the .bin into drive no errors come but the device resets and it doesnt show any parameters on serial display. i follow the attac...

v_1 by Associate II
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Running any STM32 IDE as a cloud service ?

As some of you have noticed in previous questions, I have a rather unique problem in that my code has to be modifiable by the end-user, who is more of a hacker than computer expert, can usually handle a PC so can use something like Arduino but may no...

MikeDB by Lead
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Resolved! Pin to pin Replacement of STM32F030C6T6TR.

Hello All,Currently, we are working on STM32F030C6T6TR controller, it has 32KB flash memory & this memory is not sufficient for our application.We do not have sufficient time to design the PCB again. Please suggest any other controller with the large...

SPraj.15 by Associate II
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Analog read is not returning the maximum value

Hi there.I was making some tests and I have observed that, when I shortcircuit 3V3 into my analog pin (in this case PA0), the reading I'm having is 4022 instead of 4095.Why this difference? I'm using HAL libraries as follows://Function to obtain ADC ...

areify by Associate II
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Can someone explain how to read these line ?

Hello everyone !I'm new here and i wanted to know how these lines say please??I wanted to have microsecond delay for my ultrasonic sensor.Thanks for all your help!void usDelay(uint32_t uSec) { if(uSec < 2) uSec = 2; usTIM->ARR = uSec - 1; usTIM-...

MDMA read from DTCM - transfer error

I'm trying to move an array from DTCM to SRAM1.So I use MDMA in as memery to memory config. It isn't my first time I got it running, but never used it to transfer data from/to TCM region.I want to copy array at 0x20000018 starting address (DTCM regio...

AB.17 by Associate II
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STM32L063C8U6 pinout

I have bought STM32L063C8U6 (version in UFQFPN 48 package) but I can not find pinout in datasheet. DS10090 version 7 does not mention any UFQFPN package.Also SMTCubeMX says that "cannot load this MCU). Is this version secret?Thanks for answer, Jiří ...

JNeto by Associate
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Support for STM32TS60?

Hello,Is it possible to get technical support for STM32TS60? I have some specific questions and would also welcome project files / BSP.BRNiclas

NArnd by Associate III
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