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Forum Posts

STM32L051C8 EEPROM compiled with initial data

HelloI  would like to write data in internal EEPROM memory during compilation, starting in address 0X08080000. Can you tell me how to do it?I'm using CUBEMX for configuration and export the project to atollic. note: urgent answer.thanksAntonio ​

AG70 by Associate II
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Enter and Exit Low Power Sleep Mode?

Hi,I have configured MCU in Sleep Mode, I have Configured SPI,UART and Some GPIO. and also configured Interrupt RTC. I have Wrote entering Sleep mode like,main(){  MX_GPIO_Init(); MX_LPUART1_UART_Init(); MX_SPI1_Init(); while(1) { Disable_Pheripheral...

Using the embedded flash with Keil on STM32F730

Hi! I'm wondering if anyone knows how to use the 64k of embedded flash on an STM32F730. The Discovery kit examples and the cube are all configured for external flash and linked at start address 0x900000000 . None of the on-chip flash options make any...

mike_360 by Associate
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STM32G4 ADC clock

Hi, Most of the STM32G4 CubeMX examples configure the ADC clock as synchronous clock mode divided by two,and the AHB ADC bus clock as 150MHZ. If I understand correctly, the ADC clock would be 75 MHZ for this configuration. The problem is that STM32G...

Asantos by Senior
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