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Forum Posts

New possibilities for the ultra-low power segment!

STM32U0 is the first Cortex-M0+ with a static consumption of only 160 nA in standby mode with RTC (Real-Time Clock) and 16 nA in shutdown. It also achieves 118 points in CoreMark and targets SESIP level 3 and PSA level 1 focusing on firmware code pro...


ITM_SendChar on NUCLEO-F767ZI with ST-Link Utility

Hi,I've got a NUCLEO-F767ZI and I've just tried calling ITM_SendChar and watching for the output using ST-Link Utility SWO Viewer.I see some strange characters in the SWO Viewer but not what I've sent.It looks like it is sort of working but that the ...

MBrow.13 by Associate II
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SQLite on STM32F7 series

I'm trying to implement a DataBase connection with STM32F779NIHx. I included the sqlite sources but received an error because the ioctl.h file is not present within the STM32F7XX HAL Driver. Where can I retrieve it?

GPapa.7 by Associate
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Cycle Counter different when stepping

Hello,I'm currently doing some performance measurements using the DWT's CYCCNT register. As I understand the RM, the CYCCNT counts up for every core clock cycle (except when halted). However, I get different values in CYCCNT when stepping through the...

TLudw by Associate II
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Adding LED APIs for STM32L476 Discovery board?

I am trying to create keil project for STM32L476VG Discovery board, I tried to include LED API through board support packages from Manage Run time environment.It leads to open STM32CubeMx and I have generated the code, While building the code I am ge...

SSaur by Associate II
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Running STMCUFINDER in 64-bit Linux (Opensuse)

Hello,recent STMCUFINDER installs without errors on Opensuse Leqp-15.0. Running as in the 32 or 64 bit ennvironment however gives: LANG=C linux32 ./STMCUFinderchdir /devel/STMCUFinder/.current dir /devel/STMCUFinderError: Unable to initialize main cl...

Run code from external RAM

Hello,for a new project I plan to execute the code from an external SRAM connected via FMC.Are there any experience on speed leakage?In an other Topic I read that there are losses of 4 times the speed compared to the embedded Flash.https://community....

Bombadil by Associate II
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resetting the WWDG

Hey everyone,I'm a little confused. I've added the wwdg, but I'm not sure where to refresh it. Is there somewhere I can refresh it that should happen at a constant time, The examples I looked at simply place the reset in the code, but I have so many ...

con3 by Senior
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